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                Excellent Quality

                Excellent quality, reliable performance, perfect service

                About us

                Professional manufacturer of door and window machine

                Jinan Zhengfengweiye Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional equipment manufacturers of insulating glass equipment and aluminum-PVC doors and windows. The Company combined to research and development, production, sales and service , has experienced experts and fully functional mechanical processing capacity. Over the years,we efforts on research and development of the windows and doors field¡¡, and faced the industry to provide general assembly equipment sets of the Broken Bridge aluminum, two-color co-extruded and PVC-steel profiles , as well as high-grade aluminum trough insulating glass production lines, and in accordance with user needs customization and special equipment.
                Company persist "pragmatic, integrity, learning and innovation" philosophy, adhere to the "leading technology, quality-oriented" quality standards, with rigorous scientific management, the products sell well all over the country, and exported to Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam and other countries , and made a well-known brands in the industry.

                If you have any questions, please contact us immediately


                Copyright ? 2024 Jinan Zhengfengweiye Machinery Co., Ltd.